22 July 2010

Information Gathering

I've been doing a bit of background reading on the Ultramarines and their chapter history, and came across this book on painting Space Marines. There are plenty tutorials around the internet that can teach you to do just that, but on page 78 of the book is a picture of this fellow:

Veteran Sergeant Altarion

This figure has a few pieces, such as the ornate shoulder pad and sculpted breastplate that I haven't seen before. I'm currently trying to find out where they come from, so that my veterans and commanding officers will definitely stand out in a crowd.


Wood, A. (2004) How to Paint Space Marines. Games Workshop, Nottingham. 97pp.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    The shoulder pad is create with a Dreadnought leg protection from the plastic kit with a forgeworld ultra icon.
