The silly season is just about over and everything is returning to normal. But before everyone goes back to work or school, Games Workshop has provided a bit of news to get excited about. On Wednesday several classic Space Marine models were made available for advance order:
Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines and Lord of Macragge.
Bjorn the Fell-handed (left), of the Space Wolves, is reportedly the oldest warrior still serving the Imperium, while Njal Stormcaller (right) is the most powerful Rune Priest (akin to the Librarians of other chapters) of the Space wolves Chapter. Models not shown to scale.
As well re-releasing these three 'classic' sculps, Games Workshop has made the Ultramarines Chapter Champion and Marneus Clagar's two Honour Guards available for advance order. Previously these models were only available in an Ultramarines box set that also included the Chapters Standard Bearer and Marneus Calgar in Tactical Dreadnought (terminator) armour.
Contents of the Marneus Calgar & Honour Guard set, fom left to right; Honour Guard 1, Chapter Standard Bearer, Marneus Calgar, Honour Guard 2 & Chapter Champion.
while it is nice to have some of these available to order separately, especially for those who may already have an old sculpt of Calgar, the set is a more cost effective option to those who wish to add Marneus Calgar, Honour Guard and Chapter Champion to their army. For a similar price as buying the available models separately, including the older Calgar sculpt, one can get the box set. As a 'bonus' the set also includes the Chapter Standard Bearer, which has yet to be released as a single figure.
I would like to add all of the the Ultramarine models shown above eventually, except perhaps for the older Calgar sculpt. I much prefer the look of the Marneus Calgar model in Terminator armour, as there is a lot more detail in his armour, and I'm this model would have a greater presence on the battlefield due to its heightened stature. Although I wouldn't mind owning both Calgar models, perhaps fielding the one in regular power armour for city battles where movement space might be a limiting factor.
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