06 November 2010

Last two eBooks & bonus audio book

I skipped posting about last weeks free eBook from Black Library because I had too many other things demanding my attention. But the penultimate free eBook, released on 25 October, was Trollslayer by William King.

Unlike the previous two novels released, this one is set in the Warhammer 'Fantasy' realm and is the first part of the Gortrek and Felix storyline. I have never actively read a fantasy book since having left secondary school. Now, having Trollslayer I had planned to change this. Well at least that's what I thought...

This Friday The Black Library released Honour of the Grave by Robin D. Laws as their free eBook. This novel is also part of the 'Fantasy' realm and while I like most trolls as much as the next person. I like dead things more. A lot more. In fact I even made skeleton costume for Halloween this year (which was the first time I actually dressed up for the event). Halloween was never celebrated here in South Africa while I was growing up, with the exception of the odd late night horror film on T.V. This year however, shopping centres seemed to have gone mad with Halloween decorations. I'm convinced there were more vampire, witch, pumpkin etc. decorations around now than there were rabbit and egg decorations around Easter time.

But enough on that. For me the title Honour of the Grave evokes more interest than simply Trollslayer. Honour of the Grave is open to more interpretation and having not even read the blurb about the book I want to read it. Trollslayer simply says to me, "there are trolls in this book, they will be slain." While I'm sure this is not the entire plot of the book and that it is a fine piece of literary work, I'll be reading the one with the catchy title first. This doesn't mean that I don't intend to read Trollslayer, it just means that I don't intend to read it immediately.

Prior to releasing these two eBooks, The Black Library also made the first CD of the audio book, Horus Rising available. The book was penned by Dan Abnett and this version is read by Martyn Ellis. I've tried listening to it while in bed, but as I've been getting to bed past midnight every night for the last few weeks, I haven't actually absorbed any of the story yet. I'll make a more committed attempt to get through at least the first chapter in an evening once I've had a few good nights sleep.

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