25 October 2010

Black Library launches digital magazine

Continuing with their free eBook Fridays, the Black Library released the first issue of the Hammer and Bolter. I had quick 'page' through it, and looks like an interesting read. It's packed with short stories and excerpts of novels from both the Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 universes, plus there is an interview with Nick Kyme, author of the Tome of Fire Trilogy.

In the interview Kyme mentions being busy with Fall of Damnos, an Ultramarines novel to form part of the Space Marines Battle series. In addition he has plans to tie up the loose ends and finish his Salamander trilogy with Nocturne, and has ideas for a Horus Heresy novel.

Of the few Black Library authors whose work I have read (and need to write reviews about), Nick Kyme has got to be one of my favourite. I'm looking forward to the release of these titles in the near future.

15 October 2010

Second free eBook

The second free eBook from the Black Library was made available for download earlier today. I haven't even started with the first one yet, and with the new one being Graham McNeill's Nightbringer, it will probably be a while before I read First and Only.

Nightbringer is the first novel of the Ultramarines series featuring the heroics of Captain Uriel Ventris and his men, and I intend reading it before the other eBooks in order to get a better feel for the Ultramarines.

10 October 2010

Free eBooks from Black Library

On October 8th, The Black Library launched its new digital catalogue by making the eBook of Dan Abnett's First and Only available for free download (see here).

The Black Library plans to release an eBook for free every Friday until November 5th. In addition, all the novels and audio books previously released, will also be made available as digital downloads in the future.

Happy reading...